Factor 1 – English and French language ability
(maximum 28 points)

You must meet the minimum level of CLB 7 for your first official language in all four language areas.

To get points for your second official language, you must meet the minimum level of CLB 5 in all four language areas.

Please Note: You can only get points for your second official language if you meet the threshold of CLB 5 in all four language abilities (speaking, listening, reading and writing). You can score four points for your second official language skills.

First Canadian Official Language
(either English or French)
  Speak Listen Read Write
CLB level 9 or higher
CLB level 8
CLB level 7
CLB level below 7
Second Canadian Official Language
(either English or French)
  Speak Listen Read Write
At least CLB5 in all of the four abilities
CLB 4 or less in any of the four abilities